in which a ritual is created
(Not the cup of coffee I was enjoying at that moment, but instead the morning glow on our prickly pear cactus that I thought was worth sharing.)
Most mornings start with a cup of coffee for me and John. It’s our ritual. Whether we’re car camping, floating down a river, or home at the ranch, the morning is always better enjoyed with a cup of the good stuff.
At home, John will sleepily get out of bed to start the kettle and then crawl back under the sheets to enjoy a few more moments of slumber before the whistle goes off. A sound of good things to come. Back out of bed officially for the day, he goes to grind the coffee beans and prep the French press. I feel like I should mention it's a 52 ounce carafe. We like our coffee.
I will then proceed to drag myself out of the bed straight to the cabinet filled with out various coffee mugs. I tend to go for the double insulated travel mug because I’m the type that sets my mug down and forgets about it for a minute or two. Terrible, I know. Those first few sips are always the best though. Wonderful magical liquid that warms the soul. At least it does for mine.
Where am I going with this... Oh, right. Rituals.
I'm good about starting them, bad about following through in which said goal actually becomes a "ritual". Anyone else out there like that?
Anyway, here's another ritual I'd like to try and hope that it’ll stick just as much as coffee has in my life. And here you are, reading it. I've always been interested in blogging, but never felt like my life has been exciting enough to share until recently. And even then, do you actually want to read about it? I hope so. So here's to trying this out. I'm looking forward to telling the stories of past and present adventures, the going-ons in the studio, things about life. Maybe just passing thoughts here and there... who knows? Here's to starting new rituals.
Thanks everyone to starting here with me.